
Thursday, December 5, 2013

the lil yellow ball....

Well, the lil yellow ball began to bounce again.  Natalie headed back to the courts this week, and the body is letting her know she was on vacation.  Even tho she has been working with her personal trainer, hitting again is a totally different story.  She is excited bout the upcoming season, which will begin in Florida.

Our quest for sponsorships and financial support continues.  It never ceases to amaze us, the lack of support for the upcoming pro tennis player.  We definitely figured out a while ago why so many very talented players quit.....affordability.  Sure hope that won't be the case for Natalie, hopefully she can make it to the next level before we have to pull the financial rug from underneath her.

Once Natalie can play at the WTA level on a regular basis, the financial burden will lighten.  For, once accepted into the WTA tourney, the player is provided with a hotel room.  The tourneys provide food all day for the players.  And win or lose Nat would get some prize money, which should cover the airline ticket (within USA).  She is closer now than this time last year, so hopefully her spring season will boost her over the threshold once and for all.

We so appreciate all those that have support Natalie's efforts thus far.  Whether you provided a ride, opened your home to her, took her out for a meal or gave her a pair of all matters and contributes to her success.  We can't do it with you.....sooooo....THANK YOU!

As the holidays approach, be safe out there and please.....Don't Drink and Drive!   Love and Blessings....Sherry!