
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

McIntosh Visit

Hello Folks, hoping everyone is doing well.  We are moving along here in Georgia, thank goodness with cooler weather too.

Sorry, these pictures are late coming but much is going on.  Here are a few pictures Natalie and Nicholas took with the students at McIntosh High School.  They visited with five Health Classes that day.  From the looks of the pics below, much fun was being had.  And since it is the school where Nat's older brother Ed just started working at, it had added meaning.  As well as, it was across the county lines rival of Natalie's for high school basketball and tennis.  So, many of the staff greeted them with open arms, special indeed.

Was able to drive Natalie to Atlanta today for her FIRST day of fitness training with her coach Paul.  I will post some pics and video soon!  Until then Love and Blessings.....Sherry!