
Sunday, November 30, 2014

His Sweet Words Rang Volumes

Hello Folks!  As I reflect on the last week or so, I am over come with emotions.  Wondering, will this be our Nana's last Thanksgiving with us.  Just how many years has it been since we buried my sister the day after turkey day?  Will my friend that lost her 36 year brother last Sunday, be able to handle the emotions....for she struggles with mental issues??

OOOO the holidays.....a mixed bag of emotions for so many.  But, we must look around and see all the reasons to continue to live and celebrate life.  Our children, families, friends.  Our wonderful communities, a warm home, a hot meal, a smile from a stranger all a small sample of those reasons.

As we sat at our Thanksgiving table.  Our Nana started us with her special Blessing for the meal.  After which, Robby ....who is stationed at Fort Benning....began to eat.  And eat.....and eat.  Man my cooking must be awesome.....sorry I digressed.  His sweet words rang volumes in my ears, "I haven't had a homemade turkey dinner in three years, I made one for me and my men two years ago, but it was nothing like this".   Although most of those at the table heard his words, I'm not sure they REALLY heard what he was saying.  But for was a huge dose of reality.  How can any of us feel sorry for past, current or future situations in our lives......when so many young soldiers like Robby sacrifice everything on a daily basis so that we may have all those reasons to continue to live and celebrate life?

Thankful indeed, that Robby has come into our lives and serves our country so that we may live free in the best country in the world.  We are truly Blessed!  Love and Blessings....Sherry!