
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

She is Bored

Good Morning from a muggy Georgia!  A bit of an update...Natalie has been complete off meds for three days.  She doesn't like the way they make her feel, so she puts up with the pain instead.  That's my girl, I'm the same way.  But for real, she is doing great as far as the foot is concerned.  However, she is driving me nuts cuz she is bored.  Nat is so used to be very busy, it is hard for her to sit on her bum.

Having said that, I took to Facebook and posted a message to my teacher and coaching friends.  Asking them if they need a visitor.  I mean.....can you think of a better way to rehab then being surround by a bunch of toothless wonders?  Fielding questions and hopefully inspiring young minds to set goals is a great way to spend her time.  Sooooo if you need a visitor to your classroom or to speak to your team, just let me know.  For I have to fill 5 more weeks of time....UGH!

We continue to pray everyday that this bone graph will work.  And appreciate your continued prayers.  Must thank those of you that have contacted Natalie via phone, text, twitter,  and snail mail.  She really appreciates you taking the time, so do I...thank you, thank you!

Not quiet a week since Loree left us!  Yes, left us!  That's how we feel, deserted!  I mean couldn't she just blow off her senior year of college and just stay here with us....GEEEEZZZZ!??  But for real, Loree was a great  addition to Team Pluskota and we miss her every day.  Love you Ree Ree!

Guess it's time to ready for Natalie's first school visit of the fall.  She will be going to Thomas Crossroads Elementary School.   Which is the school she attended.  Some how she has convinced her brother Nic (firefighter) to go with her, not sure how.  So, the kids are in for a treat, the tag team are headed their way.   Until the flip side of this school visit.....Love and Blessings.....Sherry!