
Monday, May 6, 2013

Good Evening....

Good Evening from a dreary Georgia!  I'm at home recovering from my knee surgery.  Not a fun process, but at least it is done and over with.  Looking forward to getting back in shape, hate that I've been out of commission and my fitness has suffered.

Natalie is in Raleigh, doing a bit of recovering too.  Her injuries from the fall on the court in Florida seem to be coming along.  Although she has had much pain and sleepless nights.  Having a few days "off" from tourney match play has helped.  She is in the main draw in both singles and dubs for this one.  Therefore, she will not play until Wednesday.

Time for meds and off to la la land to forget about the pain and the lil yellow bouncing ball until Wednesday.....Love and Blessings.....Sherry!